Since March 12 at the Palazzo Strozzi of Florence is on the exhibition“ Picasso, Mirò, Dalì. Angry young men: the birth of modernity”. The exhibition is dedicated to the early production of Picasso Mirò and Dalì as the beginning ofmodern art. The focus is ... More
Do come and visit Florence in wintertime!It is the best moment for art appreciators who can enjoy visiting the most important museums of Florence without standing in long queues (lines) or being squeezed in too crowed rooms and streets. Surely the weather might be not so warm, but hotels and ... More
The Museum of the Church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence is going to change the entrance: it will be from the Square Station, near the abse of the Church, where nowadays we have the Turist Information Office. The acces to the musuem will be through the Chiostrino dei morti, the Cloister of the ... More
The National Geographic will support the research of Professor Maurizio Seracini whohas being working for years on the possibility of finding the lost frescoes of the Battaglia di Anghiari by Leonardo da Vinci in the Salone dei Cinquecento in the Signoria Palace in Florence.Behind the walls where ... More
Recently some scholarstried to explain why,when the Cathedral of Florence was built on the destroyed Santa Reparata, the name of the church was changed.They found documents regarding the cult of S.Jerome penitent. The saint, first traslator of the Bible in latin, was the patron of a company ... More
The exhibit "A regola d'arte" fromNovember 17th on the occasion of Florens 2010( First cultural meeting in Florence), at the Museum Salvatore Ferragamo in the Spini Feroni Palace in Florence.The exhibition wantsto celebrate artsmancraft , in whichFarrago trusted, and on which one of the ... More
As an official local guide who has been working in Florence and its province for more than 12 years, I would like to suggest the usage of head setsand radio for guided tours with more than 8 persons. In this way I can provide a much better service in museums and churches, but even be much more ... More
From Novembre 21st 2010to May 1st2011the exhibition “Ghirlandaio. A family of Renaissance painters between Florence and Scandicci “ shows aselection of some of the most important works of Ghirlandaio’s group. Domenico Bigordi called Ghirlandaio, his brothers David and Benedetto, ... More
At the Modern Art Gallery of the Pitti Palace in Florence untilJanuary 16th 2011the exhibition “Ruggito”(Roar), dedicated to Antonio Ligabue, a XX century’s artistwho describes his existential problems painting self-portraits and domestic and wild animals with an intense ... More
From October16th 2010 to January16th 2011 Figline Valdarno, smallvillage surrounded by walls in 1251 bythe Florentines,will put up at the Palazzo Pretorio, the exhibit “ Art in Figline. From theMaster of Mary Magdalen to Masaccio”. It consists of 22worksfrom different churches of the ... More