In wintertime the event Aperitivo ad arte is held in Palazzo Davanzati, a XIV century building in the ancient centre of Florence. The palace is home of the Museum of Casa Fiorentina (Museum of Florentine house). In the rooms decorated with frescoes you can meet actors performing characters of the ... More
2013 will be an year rich of event in Florence! In the first six months we will have 3 important exhibitions. We start in March when the Uffizi Gallery hosts the exhibit Norma and Capriccio. Spanish in Italy at the beginning of the "modern style", paying a particular attention to ... More
At the Uffizi Gallery of Florence an interesting axhibition about spanish art between XV and XVI century is going to be opened: NORMA E CAPRICCIO SPAGNOLI IN ITALIA AGLI ESORDI DELLA 'MANIERA MODERNA' (Normality and Caprice: Spanish in Italy at the begnning of the "modern style". The ... More
Do visit Florence during Christmas Holidays! Do choose your local licensed tourist guide, your art and history expert and reserve a private walking tour through the cobblestoned streets. Breath the feast atmosphere: the city is alive, but not caothic and it is wonderful with its lights, colors, ... More
From December 15 2012 until February 3 2013 a new edition (the 12th) of I Mai visti at the Reali Poste of the Uffizi in Florence. An exhibition regarding Alchemy and Art. The Medici had an incredible passion for Alchemy and they settled a fonderia (foundry) in the building of the Uffizi. The ... More
Since Monday November 26 2012 it was back to the Uffizi Gallery of Florence, after a 220 year pilgrimage through many museums the Sleeping Ariadne. It is a roman statue belonging to the III century before B.C., copy of an ellenistic original. The dimensions and the weigth (a bit less than two tons ... More
Until January 6 2013 in Florence, at the Spazio Mostre Ente Cassa di Risparmio (via Bufalini 6) the exhibition Alchimie di colori. L’arte della Scagliola. La collezione Bianco Bianchi di antiche scagliole dal XVII al XIX secolo. (Alchemy of colors. Art of Scagliola. The collection of Bianco ... More
On February 14 2013 2013 in Florence the official re-opening of the Rucellai Temple in the Rucellai Chapel. On February 16 and 17 an extraordinary opening with free entrance for visiting the Sacello of the Holy Sepulcrum from the Museo Marino Marini and since February 18 the wonderful Sacello will ... More
After the most famous Gate of Paradise, even the other bronze door made by Lorenzo Ghiberti for the Baptistery of Florence will be restored. The North door was commissioned to Ghiberti in 1401 when the artist won the public competition for the first Renaissance bronze door of the building dedicated ... More
During Florens 2012 do not miss the magnificent cross by Mimmo Paladino in the Square of Santa Croce in Florence. Fiftyseven blocks of Carrara marble, some of them 5 metre high:the cross is 80 metre long, 45 metre wide. The installation will be visible only until November 11 2012, end of the ... More