The exibit " The great bronze scultpures of the Baptistry in Florence. Rustici and Leonardo" was open since last 10th September at the National Musem of Bargello in Florence. The exhibition shows, among other works by Giovanfrancesco Rustici (1475-1554) coming from important European and American museums, his works preserved in the Bargello Museum and his masterpiece: the big bronze group representing the Preach of Saint John the Baptist, designed and cast in co-operation with his teacher Leonardo da Vinci and then placed in 1511 above the northern gate of the Baptistry.
The long and expensive restauration (finished in 2008) which has pointed out the incredible technique and the impressive quality of this work, was supported by the Opera del Duomo and the generous grant of the Foundation "Friends of Florence".
The exibit will be on until 10th January 2011.
Reserve an official turist guide to be sure not to miss anything and to be taken through the rooms of the splendid Bargello Museum.